Today the sun rose and the sky was clear. There were no more excuses so I set off to my favorite stomping grounds, Bill's collection of tractors. I have to admit it was a rocky start. My studio is about a twelve minute drive from my home. I went there, gathered my supplies and headed off forgetting several tubes of important colors.
When setting up, I almost used the missing colors as an excuse to escape back to my studio but told myself to hang in there. I definitely felt awkward in the beginning. One rule about painting "plein air" is that the canvas and palette need to be in shade so the colors remain rich when mixing. Before painting at the academy, I would turn my easel any which way to claim that shade, sometimes painting by looking at subjects over my shoulder. Now, with three semesters of painting looking straight on, I could no longer paint the old way. Time to buy an umbrella.
Once I accepted I had to paint in light and I was missing red, the rest of the day was great. I was reminded that "yes" I am a plein air painter! When I am out I get to see and experience so many amazing moments. Today it was the thousands of singing Starlings that were adorning the sparse winter branches. They would sing so loud and then there would be silence. I finally stopped to watch them and discovered the silent periods were them flying into the blue sky in a huge synchronized black clouds, then swooping over the fields to return to the bare trees to sing again.
Red Lantern in China Town and Early Cable Car are my favorite pieces by you. I like how they reflect San Francisco in a colorful way. I like Red Lantern In China Town because the string of lanterns in that bright red just add a pop of color to the scene. I like Early Cable Car because it shows traditional San Francisco.
From Graci (Student)
Ilove your paintings on the rural life. Each one is super nice and praireish. Did you know a painter once painted my house and me.
- Ella your student in art class
Early Cable Car is my favorite art pieces by Mrs. Brayton. I like the way it captures the weather and sky in the painting. I also like how the picture itself demonstrates what San Francisco is like: moving and sometimes cloudy.
From Kiki(student)
I really like all of your paintings. They use lots of color and look very realistic. I especially love your red lantern in china town, because it's very bright!
- Ella your art student
Hi Mrs. Brayton,
wow! the picture looks just like the real thing. You are a great artist. it looks like you are almost done I don't think you should change anything.
-maria 7th presentation school.
My favorite one was Carolyn's Red Barn. The contrast of the cow's really brought out the color in the barn. It took me a while to understand what the line undernieth the cow's head. I love this painting!!! I wish it haden't sold :(
....................... KAYLIN!!!!!!!!! XD
I love the paintings!!! Colors = sweet! Shadowing is fantastic too! 10/10 stars!
I LOVE THIS! FANTASSSTIC!!! I love the cows! I also like how the colors complement each other! 10/10 stars!
-jack g.
Red lanterns painting was my favorite. It is very colorful and bright. Very festive and really makes you want to visit China town I looooove it.
From Ally (student)
Hi Mrs. Brayton! I love the Santa Cruz Cafe painting. the reflections in the puddle are very realistic I think i have actually seen the cafe in real life!!!!!!!!!!!
- Maria (student)
Hi Mrs. Brayton! I love the Santa Cruz Cafe painting. the reflections in the puddle are very realistic I think i have actually seen the cafe in real life!!!!!!!!!!!
- Maria (student)
I love the Larsen's mare painting because of the rich red barn in the backround. Also, because of the clydesdale grazing and the other horse in the pen that is kind of a blur.
From Velsea (Student)
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